Further Reading

Sunday 22 November 2020

The Ancient War Part 1

We've been somewhat quiet on here, in recent weeks, merely posting information on current issues, adding the occasional comment here and there. We've been absorbing everything that the 1%'s PROJECT FEAR can throw at us; trying to feel the fear that so many of the human population are feeling right now. 

Incidentally the word 'human' actually means 'monster' to those who create the illegal legality that our so called governments use to entrap the unaware ... 

We are fearless and find that nothing that is 'revealed' about the 1% (Well barely that even ... those what are carrying out their Alien Intelligence master's wishes number around 100 - 200 'people'); so that's about 200 people against 6.7 BILLION. The people of this planet are the law of the land ...we are the sovereign beings which are part of the vibration (The Schumann Frequency) of this planet.

The Alien Intelligence ARE NOT. They cannot enter or occupy this realm with their 'physical bodies' the frequencies of this realm were re-programmed to ensure they would be eternally banned. Instead they made entry via wave forms and sound vibrations. Quietly at first, until their voices were heard ... like attracts like so hatred and fear still existed in this world ... which they were attracted to for that is their staple food.

 Over time their connection became stronger and stronger ... and their mind controlling of human minds gained them a stranglehold on this realm. Cut to modern times and there is now a religion that worships these aliens ... electrical beings in effect with no consciousness. Entities that exist in the inversion of this world hence the term underworld. The Kabbalah calls them and it the Klippoth. The Gnostics call them the archons and the demiurge. 

Their followers now have gained great technological advantage by way of these entities; but all along it was a mighty deception. For now these frequency beings have actual hosts to use ... humans who's electrical fields vibrate on the levels which are in line with the electrical frequencies of these non-loving beings ... effectively done via genetics over hundreds of years. But ... what's worse is the fact they now have actual bodies being made for them ... synthetic biology ... and the means to fuse with the human awareness ...     

They essentially are fearful beings ... hateful beings ... beings that want rid of their old enemy loving, conscious universal energy ... roughly speaking they plan to link with the human race and cut off universal consciousness from this realm ....

 That's their plan and what is behind EVERYTHING that is going on at this time. The Covid fear project is just part of the conquest ... and we have to admit, we are not scared one bit by the situation.

Having no fear .... vibrating on higher vibrations than those that are the frequencies these beings are using to control mankind ... gives in our view  immunity from the time line programming this VIRUS is attempting. Effectively ... bypassing the fear and vibrating on 'we have already won' this ancient battle ... prevents anything they plan coming into our perceptions .... their fear narratives will be avoided.

But it's sad to realise our current entrainment of others ... will not be enough to save every human being. There are hundreds of thousands of humans with the same entrainment out there, so there is great hope. A truth that scares the shit out of the AI! 

A large percentage of mankind have awakened ... the great awakening is in full flow and that is responsible for the human frequency to be lifting ... but it will not stop tens of thousands of humans from perishing in this war. It is a war. It is an ancient war ... [To Be Continued]...