Further Reading

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Why Trump Should Prepare for Possible Imminent Release of More Dangerous COVID-20 / 21

[Humans Are Free]: Yes, we realize the U.S. election is on now and that it appears Trump may be re-elected.

However, whether or not he is re-elected, there is a possibility, and only a possibility derived from circumstantial evidence, but evidence that should still be taken seriously, that another huge coronavirus pandemic might almost imminently begin.

Should this occur, it would wipe out all the gains Trump’s COVID-19 recovery policies have amazingly achieved and put the U.S. and many other nations into an even more devastating crash than anything we have experienced to date from the COVID-19 infections and the policies to stop it.

Following are some of the increasing indications that a new, much more dangerous version of coronavirus might imminently be released into the world.

There were comments by Bill Gates on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert on April 23 and at a June 23 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation event that seem alarming.

The comments are all the more concerning because the COVID-19 or Wuhan virus has clearly faded in potency and the overall death rate has proven to be far lower than we were led to believe and has been found to be no worse than that of the flu.

There are now news reports of what is called a new “Spanish strain” or “mutation” of COVID-19 that is rapidly spreading across Europe....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...