Further Reading

Thursday 26 November 2020

Willing Slaves of the Covidian State?

[SOTT]: When I wrote back in March that Britain as we knew it was finished, I did so for three main reasons:

Firstly, the mass quarantining of millions of healthy people for (almost) the first time in history, for a virus that is not remotely deadly to them (and yes this was known in March), could not possibly be a medical necessity and must instead be for some other reason.

 I say "almost", because there was one other short-lived attempt at the mass quarantining of healthy people in Mexico back in 2009, but that experiment ended after less than three weeks, when the Mexican Government came to its senses, realising the immense social and economic harm it would do to their country. We are not nearly so fortunate, and have now been subject to our Psychological, Economic and Social Trial (PEST) for 8 months, including two pointless national Lockdowns; Maskup, which is designed to perpetuate fear, test our compliance, and have us walking around like humiliated prisoners; along with utterly absurd diktats, such as the Rule of Fiddlesticks or whatever it is called. If anyone still seriously thinks this was done for health reasons, there are — I understand — a number of bridges going cheap on Ebay.

Secondly, the suppressions placed upon the people, under the absurd claim that we can control viruses, was bound to be far longer lasting than we were being told, since coronaviruses don't just disappear. And because they don't disappear, the changes to the social, economic and psychological state of people, families, communities and whole nations were bound to be seismic and even epochal in nature. And so it is turning out to be. 2020 is not just another year; it is the start of a new era, and a sinister start no less.

Thirdly, it became quite clear to me a long while ago that Western societies have moved from a state where people could be reasonably confident that what they were being told by Governments and the media had at least some basis in reality, to one where reality itself was being shape-shifted and manipulated to such an extent that it is now largely impossible to be sure of what is and isn't real in the civic sphere any longer. We now live in the World of Unreality, where truth is buried and obscured by a quite obscene mountain of lies and deception.

I am quite sure that with a few exceptions, most people who read what I wrote in March thought I had lost what remaining marbles I may once have possessed. But I am equally sure that many more people now start to see what I was getting at, and are also wondering what happened to their country and whether they'll ever get it back.

A key part of doing so, along with the obvious need for national repentance, is that third point. I often come back to a comment attributed to Karl Rove, George W. Bush's Chief of Staff, since it is perhaps the best explanation of what has been done to us over the last couple of decades, and in 2020 is being dished out in the concentrated version and causing the world to go off in the great nutsy, loony spasm that it has:
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." Few would associate Rove with revolutionary fervour, but there is in this statement something remarkably revolutionary.

Firstly, it assumes that human actions are solely in the hands of man, without reference to a Creator who is ultimately sovereign.

Secondly, it assumes the rights of a small clique of people to shape the lives and destinies of those they purport to govern, and so thus they view themselves as sovereign (Psalm 2 says they're deluded fools, which they are).

Thirdly, it assumes that this clique are not themselves subject to real reality, like the rest of us, but that they themselves have the tools, the opportunities and the right to "make reality".

Fourthly, it assumes that they are prepared to lie brazenly to bring this reality about.

Fifthly, it assumes that there will be seekers of the truth amidst these lies, but that these poor saps will be left floundering as they continually attempt to subject yesterday's narrative to scrutiny, while the reality shape-shifters have pulled the rug from under their feet by moving the narrative onto tomorrow's barefaced lies.

And this is exactly what we find. A recent example of this can be found in the fact that the figures used to plunge millions of British people into a second disastrous and needless national Lockdown, were shown to be demonstrably false. That is not even a matter of dispute. Did it lead to the Lockdown being cancelled and the media demanding an inquiry? No, because the narrative has moved on ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....