Further Reading

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Mindfulness: Is it Enough?

[Daily OM]: Of course we know about mindfulness, and of course we believe it’s a good thing…  being in touch with what is really happening intuitively seems a benefit… not being distracted by thoughts about what we ought to be doing or what we have done or we might do, thoughts which take us away from the job in hand – that must make for better productivity… likewise not being permanently afloat on some cloud of make-believe – doesn’t day-dreaming bring its own share of guilt?

Though for all that, fantasy can be ok so long as we know it’s fantasy and we know we’re doing it, and there have certainly been plenty of times during this pandemic when a dose of fantasy will have brought some much-needed relief.

But yes, mindfulness is a good thing – let go of thoughts, focus, centre, be aware, connect with what’s really going on and connect with yourself… but then what?  Is that it?  Some sort of end-state?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...