Further Reading

Monday, 14 December 2020

Our minds will either win us this war or lose us the war.

They want you to be totally fearful. They want you to think there is no hope, no way out. They want you to think you have no other option than take their much maligned deadly vaccine. They want that thought to make you totally shit scared. That is their plan. This is the COVID PSY-OPS in full motion complete with the seemingly never ending fear narratives.

 It is because YOU let it be so. It is because you are feeding your fear into the vibration that pulls in, and makes reality the fear narrative.

THIS ENDS when you cease to have the fear. When you cease buying their sick fantasy situation. When you throw away the masks; when you cease the social distancing ...

THIS ENDS when the sufficient numbers of the human race refuse to give them their power away. It is YOUR power they use against you. They have NO power.

If you have no fear, then they are completely scared of you. They are petrified of us refusing their fear narratives.

There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of us, who refuse to be scared by their bullshit and their such obvious lies. We refuse to wear masks. We refuse to social distance. We have adapted to their restrictions but still meet up together in large numbers and use our minds as the weapon.

Our minds will either win us this war or lose us the war. It's how we think. It's what we put into the collective consciousness. So far the vibration is much higher than they want it to be. If we keep lifting the vibration then their fear narratives will not happen. However, we know they are going to make things scarier to try to fool us into giving our power away ... we have to ensure that will never happen. - ©Matthew James 14.12.20