Further Reading

Monday, 7 December 2020

Photos: ‘COVID ID Card’ To Be Rolled Out In UK

These are more fear narratives freely rolled out among the alternative & conspiracy theory communities in order to assist in spreading the fear and the anxiety within the already fearful human population.

An attempt to further influence damaged perceptions to create this reality. People will believe this is what their reality is to become and be fearful of this outcome. Fear is the controller ... fearless humans who merely laugh at these feeble attempts by the 1% to push the 99% into oblivion ... impound further panic and fear onto the 1%.

It's easy to create and print boxes of these 'Covid-19 vaccination cards' and say look at what you are all going to have carry. Fear narratives only! Don't let them become encoded reality. What you now is the past, created by perceptions around 18 months ago. What you perceive now creates reality in 18 - 2 years time. 

[Humans Are Free]:Reports indicate that the UK National Health Service is to issue everyone vaccinated against coronavirus with an ‘immunisation identity card’, with the government refusing to rule out that the cards will be used like passports to reintegrate into society. The rollout of vaccinations begins in the UK this week, and photos of record cards reveal wording on them reading “Make sure you keep this record card in your purse or wallet“. The card has a space for the name and batch number of the vaccine, as well as the date that it was injected. A second space denotes the fact that Pfizer’s shot requires two vaccinations....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...