Further Reading

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Coronavirus plandemic finalized merger between Big Tech and Big Pharma

This tyranny will only progress if people let it progress. By permitting it to happen, it is giving the crazies permission to take freedoms away. Too many people are permitting the advancement by conforming to the psy-ops and the loss of freedoms.

I DO NOT CONSENT!! Should be the battle cry of every human being on this planet. Freedom should be a natural born right. Instead we all permit the prison planet vibration, with us little more than slaves. Instead of being the prey, and they the predators ... they should become the prey....

It's time!

[Natural News]: A big chunk of the New World Order has been thrust upon the planet under the guise of fighting a “pandemic,” which in reality is little more than a cover story for the ultimate merger between Big Tech and Big Pharma.

In case you failed to notice, social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and even banking institutions are all systematically silencing the political “right” at the very same time that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines,” which function more like genetic engineering (GMO) injections than actual vaccines, are being rolled out and pushed on the masses.

The mRNA (messenger RNA) technology alone, which quite literally modifies human DNA, is enough to raise some eyebrows as to what the true agenda is with this whole program. And now we know that the endgame is to merge people’s medical, financial and personal information into one place, a process that is being made possible by Silicon Valley.

According to reports, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and his team are curating vast datasets that will eventually be inserted into injectable microchips, making it possible for Big Brother to “track and trace our movements, our purchases, our preferences and our vulnerabilities, and use that information to control civil populations, suppress dissent and punish disobedience.”...<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...