Further Reading

Sunday 17 January 2021

Homo Sheeple Madness - All Hope Appears To Be Lost

Until we, THE PEOPLE, take off the masks and stop the social distancing, this madness will never end. These lockdowns will perpetuate if the Human Sheeples continue with the madness.

Walking through a local park, seeing the real covidiots wearing face nappies OUTSIDE in the park, really drives home the absolute levels of fear and trauma based mind control that have beset this country.

The fear that these individuals must have for an alleged virus with a near 99% survival rate, is unbelievable. The fear is intense. Back in 2019, everyone accepted flu and pneumonia as being winter killers, but there was never this fear.

Come 2020 and 2021 and the re-packaged and re-branded flu and pneumonia is now the most feared illness in recent human history. YET, Covid-19 has never been isolated, so doesn't exist. But what DOES exist are the illness that prolonged face nappy wearing will cause .... the list is endless, as the body kind of uses the mouth and the nose to dispose of viruses within the body that have been defeated by the immune system. Blocking these passage ways means that these dangerous waste products are taken back into the body! Bronchial Pneumonia is on the rise .... but is being branded as Covid-19. The masks become incubators for harmful bacteria once they get damp. Within 20 minutes of mask wearing these bacteria breed and are breathed into the body. Great fun eh?

And those that wear the blue face nappies have to deal with the Teflon coating that is a poisonous substance. Fibres break off and enter the lungs ... in time cancers and worse can be created.

It's time to take off the compliance nappies and get our lives back, before it is too late. It is sadly too late for many of the mind fucked Human Sheeples .... they are willing recipients of the death jab and deserve everything that will come to them. Their stupidity not to do independent research will be the death of them ....