Further Reading

Saturday 2 January 2021

Looking for a date? You’ll need a COVID-19 vaccine first

[Natural News]: It has been nearly a year since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was first introduced into the United States. And there is finally a “light at the end of the tunnel,” according to Anthony Fauci, who along with Bill Gates and the rest of the globalist cabal is promising to open everything back up in 2022, perhaps, just so long as Americans agree to get vaccinated with one of President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” jabs.

Injection with either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is now being dangled as a carrot in front of a desperate nation that craves a return to “normal,” including healthy human interaction. Refuse the jab and continue to live in masked isolation, says the establishment, or take it and be given the keys to the kingdom – the choice is yours.

A paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) explains that in order to regain the “privileges” associated with “normal” life, Americans will need to roll up their sleeves and take an mRNA shot that will permanently reprogram their DNA. This, the paper claims, is the only solution the plandemic, and the only way to escape the confines of eternal muzzled lockdowns....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...