Further Reading

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Mankind Is Lost - Human Sheeples WAKE UP!

The extent of Coronaphobia is currently alarming. So many masked sheeples get brain short circuit when you reveal to them they are being brainwashed. Their mind controlled minds refuse to accept the concept that Covid-19 is an elaborate hoax. They hit you with 'knowing someone who had covid and it's nothing like flu' or other similar mind controlled responses.

They walk the streets outside with their face nappies on, and look at your unmasked face like you are the mentally ill one. How can you catch ANYTHING outside? Or anywhere for that matter? The true science betrays all the bullshit and the lies that they have heard the governments spout. Or they read, or hear, in the media.

In truth, they are beyond help. They will never listen because the SAGE behavioral psychologists have done their jobs so well. Those masked and in mortal fear within shops, with their face nappies firmly on their faces, are always going to be like this. They are firmly in the grip of their primal fears and have gone insane. 

They believe the lies about a virus being spread by people with no symptoms. They believe that the undiscovered virus exists. They believe that the inaccurate PCR tests provide positive results that are somehow cases. They believe all the bullshit. And they think those that don't wear masks are the crazy ones. 

Mankind is lost ... 

The mind controlled morons are keeping the craziness going. If they realised the fantasy they are partaking in, and refused masks and refused the pointless social distancing all of this would end. It is impossible not to look with despair at the countless brainwashed human sheep who wander the shopping aisles with their face nappies on ... they are so wrapped up in the myth, they don't even realise it.

And there are countless other naive sheep who buy the myth and refuse to accept evidence that goes against the government's official story. Check out the number of excess deaths in all the stats and realise the number of deaths are the same has they have always been. Flu and pneumonia deaths are lower than they have ever been. That reduction in deaths is because they are now re-labelled as Covid-19. So many countries also label any death now as Covid-19. Wake up sheep and see the scam. Before it is too late.