Further Reading

Thursday 28 January 2021

Signs You’re Experiencing a Spiritual Transformation

[Waking Times]: Something is shifting, morphing, and evolving in your life. These alchemical changes might be subtle or shocking, sudden or progressive … but whatever the case, something is transforming below the surface. You are like the caterpillar dissolving in its cocoon.

Perhaps life is heading in a surprising direction. New doors may be opening to you, out of the blue. Synchronicities may increase. And what haunted you before is beginning to fade away.

Spiritual transformation is what happens when we evolve on the level of the Soul.Like a lotus flower (which is symbolic of inner alchemy), we emerge from the muddy waters of the ego into a more divinely expanded version of ourselves. Spiritual transformation can happen slowly throughout time or in an unexpected, fast, or intense way....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...