Further Reading

Wednesday 27 January 2021

The Inanity of RNA Vaccines For COVID-19

[SOTT]: The present article is a follow-up of Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Was Man-Made published in June 2020, you are encouraged to read it first. The concluding words were as follows:

It's probable that by the end of 2020, like every year, a flu epidemic will emerge. This virus will, conveniently, be deemed a close relative to SARS-CoV-2, maybe with 'extra terrifying features'.

But there will be no need to despair because, by this time, the authorities will have prepared a vaccine. That's one of the reasons why hydroxycholoroquine was lambasted and banned. If a safe and effective treatment already exists, who is going to accept a rushed and unknown vaccine? A vaccine that will allegedly protect people against COVID-20, but will in reality be designed to 'cancel' the beneficial changes induced by the mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2. [...]

It's probable that the vaccination won't be mandatory. Remember that the authorities are now "kinder and gentler". Instead of brute force, the authorities are more likely to use moral blackmail - "Get vaccinated to protect others!" - combined with social blackmail - "No vaccine = no job, no shopping, no travel, no socializing!" Basically, you're free to choose between the vaccine passport or a life sentence in an isolated cell. 

Here were are 7 months later. As suspected new variants have appeared, manufactured COVID-19 deaths are piling up, the vaccine passport has already been adopted by several countries and vaccinations have started all around the world.

In theory, medicines, vaccines included, are approved and used because their benefits far exceed their risks. In this sense, the ideal medicine would display zero risks and total effectiveness against an uncured and deadly disease. We'll see in the present article that the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the Pfizer vaccine, is pretty much the opposite of the ideal drug. It is dangerous, ineffective and targets a benign disease that already has known effective and safe treatments....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....