Further Reading

Sunday 3 January 2021

UTTER MADNESS AHEAD: 'Informed consent vaccine form and letter to care home manager about vaccinating staff and residents'

WTF has this world come to? Unlicensed and untested vaccines should not be dished out, unless the intention is to create a fear narrative. 

It is possible these first vaccines are placebos, sent forth to see how easy it is to get people to consent to vaccines. Get them all in line taking vaccines willingly then let's unleash the nasties ... or this first dose is indeed one of the first nasties. 

Either way it is a FEAR NARRATIVE and should be flatly refused ... nothing the UK government does is LAW. We the people are the law and they need us to consent, to form a contract with them. 

They are a profiteering corrupt corporation and nothing more. As is the NHS ... it's time the LAW OF THE LAND (The people) rebelled against the nonsense!

[David Icke]: Dear Care Home Manager

In the coming days, weeks and months, the Government will expect you, your staff and all your residents to be vaccinated with an approved, but unlicensed, COVID-19 vaccine. Amid the rush of this urgent rollout, please remember all vaccines are pharmaceutical products that come with risks as well as benefits. So, it is a legal requirement to obtain fully informed consent from each person before they are injected with a COVID-19 vaccine.

What is ‘fully informed consent’?

A person is fully informed only if they have all the information that they would think relevant to their decision, given their circumstances and considering their age, health, underlying illnesses, etc. So, what’s relevant might vary from one individual to another.

How do I ensure my residents and staff are ‘fully informed’?

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) is an alliance of medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who have drawn up a COVID-19 Vaccination Consent Form to aid the process of full disclosure, including discussion of the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccines. The form will assist you in considering and discussing what is relevant, given each person’s individual circumstances. It also outlines the legal framework that is in place to protect individuals from coercion and unlawful infringement of bodily autonomy.

You can download the UKMFA COVID-19 Vaccination Consent Form here to print out for your staff to use, or to email out to your residents’ relatives, and/or their GPs.

You might also find useful the UKMFA Open Letter, which was sent on 23rd November to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and Matt Hancock. The letter outlined concerns over a rushed roll-out of an experimental vaccine using novel technology (mRNA vaccines), which has limited short-term safety data and NO long-term safety data. Additionally, there is no information about potential risks of interaction with other medication or prior vaccines. You can download the Open Letter here. Your residents’ relatives and their GPs might also appreciate a copy of this....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...