Further Reading

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Are You Addicted to Spiritual Escapism?

[Wake Up World]: Aren’t you sick and tired of running?

As a species, we’re always running and hiding from everything, whether we know it or not. We run from love, forgiveness, mental ideas, other people, beliefs, inner fears … but above all else, we run from ourselves.

We are always running AWAY from something and running TOWARDS something else. But what happens when we manage to catch up to that thing we’ve been running towards? Usually, the “finish line” that we’ve been working so hard to reach is a mirage. This “magical” special place we’ve wanted to reach ends up disintegrating before us, leaving us empty again.

As we progress through life, we always feel restless. How often have you sat down and just felt needlessly happy … not because you finished a goal, were complemented by another or bought something cool … but for no reason whatsoever? Just for the joy and honor of being alive?

Blaise Pascal once said, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room.” Pay attention to this sentence; it is overflowing with wisdom. This simple, but unspeakably powerful observation, points to the heart of our problem: restlessness that comes from a fear of meeting ourselves.

Why are we so afraid to meet ourselves as we are? Why are we terrified to sit down with the thoughts and emotions that cause us great pain?

We are forever aiming for something else. We are forever trying to BE someone else. We can never quite be happy with us, as we are, right now...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...