Further Reading

Sunday 14 February 2021

Coronavirus Fact-Check: Does Wearing A Mask Do Anything?

[Humans Are Free]: As of two days ago, Boris Johnson’s government announced it will henceforth be illegal to use public transportation in the UK, without wearing a mask.

This goes along with many other governments – both local and national – which have enforced mandatory mask-wearing to one extent or another.

Leaving aside the question of whether such steps are necessary to combat a virus they openly admit is harmless to the vast majority of people – the question becomes: Do masks actually do anything to prevent the spread of this disease? Or respiratory diseases in general?

Well, some mask manufacturers don’t seem to think so. Printing this warning on the side of the box:

But, in case that’s just a company seeking to prevent liability, maybe we should look at some proper scientific research on the subject. There’s quite a bit of it.

Most of the media and politicians are strident in their support of enforced mask-wearing, but the science supporting that is thin on the ground.

While the Lancet and Mayo Clinic have produced articles recommending mask use, actual scientific studies are hard to come by.

The only evidence-based review I was able to find is forced to use very soft language in its conclusions. Titled [my emphasis] “Cloth Masks May Prevent Transmission of COVID-19″, it openly admits [again, my emphasis]:

“Although no direct evidence indicates that cloth masks are effective in reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the evidence that they reduce contamination of air and surfaces is convincing.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...