Further Reading

Saturday 13 February 2021

Experimenting on 6 year-old kids – ‘Covid Vaccine Study in Children’ begins

And so the sterilisation program begins. Serious limitation on mankind increasing its population, whilst the evil ones exterminate humans ... result: human depopulation. Wake up Homo Sheeples, before you become extinct. 

[The Daily Expose]: Throughout 2020 we were repeatedly told that children were not at risk from the alleged Covid-19 disease.

The chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty told us “the chances of children dying from Covid-19 are incredibly small”. Adding that “many more children were likely to be harmed by not going than harmed by going” to school. “There’s also very clear evidence from the UK and around the world that children much less commonly get a severe illness and end up having to be hospitalised if they get symptomatic Covid,”

The deputy chief medical officer Jennie Harries told us that the risk of seasonal flu or a car accident to children was higher than the risk presented by SARS-CoV-2.

Great Ormond Street Hospital said “The evidence to date suggests that although children do develop Covid-19, very few children develop severe symptoms, even if they have an underlying health condition”.

Public Health England carried out a study of over 1 million children who attended pre-school and primary school before the summer holidays, and found just 70 child coronavirus infections among the 1 million children.

The point we’re making here is that Children are NOT at risk of even suffering serious disease from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, let alone dying, which is why we’re shocked to find out the major pharmaceutical companies have begun experimenting on children as young as six in order to have a Covid “vaccine” approved for use in children by the end of 2021...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...