Further Reading

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Investigation: Has the NHS been overwhelmed during “the pandemic”?

[The Daily Expose]: Boris Johnson imposed dictatorial, authoritarian measures on the British people on the 23rd March 2020 for a three-week period. The Prime Minister said he was doing this to “Protect the NHS” and “Save Lives”.

We are now almost a quarter of the way through 2021 and the British people are still living under a dictatorial tyranny where it is illegal to have loved ones inside your home, illegal to socialise, illegal to walk into a shop without a face covering, and illegal to open your business if it is deemed as “non-essential” by the Government.

The list of draconian measures is endless, and apparently it is still all in the name of “Protecting the NHS” and “Saving Lives”. So ‘The Daily Expose’ decided to investigate exactly what it is that we are protecting the NHS from, and this is what
we found…

Boris recently set out his roadmap out of lockdown which is dependant on the uptake of an experimental “vaccine” and the NHS not being overwhelmed. So we took a look at NHS data for the whole of 2020, to see if the “stay at home” orders have ever been justified and whether the NHS has actually been overwhelmed.

The data showed that on the 22nd December 2020 there were 76,193 beds occupied across all NHS England hospitals. Of those occupied 14,902 were by people who had received a positive test result for coronavirus. It is important to note that the statistics only show people who have received a positive test result, from what is a flawed PCR test that shouldn’t be testing for viruses. So they could be in hospital and being treated for a heart attack but receive a positive test result and be added to the Covid-19 patients statistics....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...