Further Reading

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Look us in the eyes and tell us why you decided to ‘Collapse the Economy > Starve Children > Destroy Lives’

[The Daily Expose]: Today is a day the authorities, helped by the mainstream media want you to mourn and remember. The headline of the day is that the UK has recorded 100,000 coronavirus deaths. A grim statistic, if it were true.  

But it isn’t. 

One hundred thousand people have not died from Covid-19, although the BBC would have you believe so when they publish statements such as ‘More than 100,000 people in the UK have died from a virus’.

They’re lying to you.

What there have been is 100,000 deaths labelled as Covid-19, and they are labelled as Covid-19 when someone dies within 28 days / 60 days of receiving a positive result from a test that the authorities tell us is testing for SARS-CoV-2. Except we’re not really sure if that’s even true as their most popular test of choice is a PCR test.

A test invented by Kary Mullis who said that “If you look hard enough with PCR you’ll find anything you want to find, but it doesn’t mean it is there.” (See for yourself here). And we know that they have been carrying out these tests at over 35 cycles, a rate which is far to high to reliably test for a virus. Just ask Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California-Riverside who said “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,”. Which means we most likely have a plague of false positives.

Then there’s the fact they are testing people with no symptoms who are coming back with positive test results. These are 110% false positives. Asymptomatic spread doesn’t exist, as a study in Wuhan of 10 million people proved. Even the WHO has changed their recommendation for the standard of PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2, essentially saying a high cycle rate is unreliable. (See for yourself here). The fact they did this just as Biden was about to be sworn in and as the vaccine roll out has started to make headway is just a coincidence of course. Pull the other one.

So we have a casedemic of false positives and the daily propaganda of fear telling us so many people have died from Covid. What they’re not telling us is that when Grandma has a fall, bangs her head and sadly dies, she is added to the Covid death statistics if she happened to receive a positive test result in the last 60 days. They’re not telling us that if Grandad sadly drops dead from a heart attack, they’re adding him to the Covid death statistics if he happened to receive a positive test result in the last 60 days.

We could go on forever with examples of cause of death that are being labelled as Covid deaths, but we’ve used the examples of Grandma and Grandad for a reason. Because guess what happens when you get old? You die. It has happened year after year and always will, and the statistics for Covid deaths tell the exact same story....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...