Further Reading

Saturday 13 February 2021

NY Mag admits Fauci “hot-wired” coronavirus with gain-of-function engineering

[Natural News]: After a year of denial, the mainstream media is finally coming to terms with the fact that Anthony Fauci is responsible for “hot-wiring” the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) with experimental gain-of-function technology, which ultimately turned it into a global “pandemic.”

Were it not for the artificial insertion of amino acids and other additives by Fauci and his team, the novel Chinese virus never would have gained the traction it did in terms of being a human-to-human contagion.

In its natural form, the unmodified bat coronavirus would have stayed within the animal kingdom. Instead, thanks to Fauci, it morphed into a tool that is now being used to destroy the global economy and herd the masses straight into the new world order.

“These gain-of-function experiments were an important part of the NIH’s approach to vaccine development, and Anthony Fauci was reluctant to stop funding them,” writes Nicholson Baker for the Intelligencer....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...