Further Reading

Thursday 4 February 2021

Respected Doctor and Bioweapons Researcher Believes Covid Vaccines Are a Form of ‘Weaponized Medicine’

[Waking Times]: An award winning spinal surgeon and former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons believes that current coronavirus vaccines are dangerous bioweapons being deployed against the people.

Dr. Lee Merritt, who previously studied bioweapons while serving as an orthopedic surgeon in the United States Navy for 9 years, sat on the board of the Arizona Medical Association, and has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, believes that mRNA-altering coronavirus vaccines currently being distributed in the United States are rewriting our genetic code to make us vulnerable to a second virus later on.

I believed early on in February that this was a biologically manipulated bioweapon because the minute that anybody popped up with data suggesting that they were censored,” she said in an interview last month with The New America.

Based on her time spent in bioweapons research, Merrit believes that we live in an era of ‘fifth-generational warfare’ where instead of using weapons on the battlefield, covert biological agents, economic warfare, and propaganda are most effective in turning the tables of power between nations.

We had a lot of bioweapons over the years and the one I was very worried about was smallpox. But most of these bioweapons were either hard to distribute or there was treatment for them,” she said. “I think that there is a host of evidence that shows coronavirus is a naturally occurring very benign virus that doesn’t even give most people the cold but at the most it’ll give you a common cold.”

Vaccines are most effective when used against an untreatable and deadly virus, she says. While diseases like smallpox and polio were effectively treated with immunizations, scientists have discovered promising treatments for coronavirus since the pandemic began such as Hydroxychloroquine and Intravenous Vitamin C....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>.....

If we are at biowarfare right now as a part of this multi-dimensional warfare, if you have a treatment in your back pocket they cannot terrorize you with viruses and that’s important because… [the vaccine] doesn’t prevent transmission by their own admission.” ~Dr. Lee Merritt