Further Reading

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Survey: More Than Half of Americans Don’t Want COVID-19 Injections

[Humans Are Free]: The mainstream media makes COVID-19 injections sound like a rousing success with everyone clamoring to get in line, but a new survey shows that more than half of Americans plan to delay getting the vaccine or even refuse to get it altogether.

In fact, just 41 percent of those who participated in the Kaiser Family Foundation’s tracking project said they were eager to get the shot as soon as possible.

Among those who are not eager to get the vaccine, 31 percent say they’d rather wait to see more results of the vaccines, 13 percent said they are certain they will not get the shot, and 7 percent said they would only get the shot if they were absolutely required to do so for school, work or other activities.

Among the most reluctant groups to get vaccinated were Republicans, adults in rural areas, lower-income households and those from black and Hispanic backgrounds.

Black and Hispanic adults were significantly more likely than white adults to say they would rather wait to see how the vaccine goes for others before getting it themselves at 43 and 37 percent versus 26 percent.

Meanwhile, 43 percent of young adults aged 18 to 29 said they would like to “wait and see.”

Those who are more willing to get the vaccine are people aged 65 and older, Democrats, and people who have serious health conditions....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...