Further Reading

Saturday 27 February 2021

Tony Blair's anti-freedom project continues, but 'War on Terror' is replaced by 'War on Covid'

[SOTT]: The 'War on Terror' seems to have morphed into a 'War on Covid'. And guess what? Serial warmonger Tony Blair is a key figure in both, seeking to curtail our civil liberties with the excuse that it's all for the "greater good."

The date: Monday November 6, 2006. The place: Downing Street news conference. UK Prime Minister Tony Blair dismisses the civil rights argument against ID cards, which his government is keen to introduce. He says it is an issue of "modernity" and "modern life."

"We are building a new part of our infrastructure here. And like other such projects the gains to citizens will be much larger and more extensive than anyone could say at the time."

Sound familiar?

Fast forward fourteen years, and the same Tony Blair is saying much the same thing about Covid vaccine passports. There's been no more zealous British advocate of vaccine passports than the man the anti-lockdown journalist Peter Hitchens calls 'The Blair Creature'.

"Prepare for a health passport now," he said in December. "I know all the objections, but it will happen. It's the only way the world will function and for lockdowns to no longer be the sole course of action."

Last week it was reported that ´The Blair Creature' had been lobbying hard for vaccine passports to be included in Boris Johnson's so-called 'road map' out of lockdown. And they were. The government has announced a review. Michael Gove, a man who once wrote a piece entitled 'I can't fight my feelings any more; I love Tony (Blair)', is heading it.

Tony must be delighted. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...