Further Reading

Thursday 11 February 2021

Veiled threats – Authorities say lockdown won’t end if people refuse “the jab”

We, the 'conspiracy theorists' were first warning about this a year, and we were told we were off our  rockers. We were insane even daring to suggest it. Well,  here it is ... and still the brainwashed human sheep call us for being spreaders of fake news. The truth is right before their eyes, but can they see it? No they can't ....

[The Daily Expose]: The hunt is on. So far according to the Government, 13 million people have received at least one dose of the two available experimental Covid vaccines. These include anyone aged over 70, care home residents, carers and NHS staff, but according to the Government there are still 2 million of what they class as the “most vulnerable” that have refused or not come forward to be inoculated with the experimental jab. Which has inevitably lead to the announcement that lockdown will not end if large numbers of the “most vulnerable” remain unvaccinated.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific advisor to the Government, who has shares in one of the big pharmaceutical companies, warned the British public that lockdown wouldn’t end when he spoke In one of the daily propaganda press conferences.

He said that a “significant number of people in high-risk groups” had not been vaccinated.

“Those people remain at risk and so it’s important we go cautiously in opening up, in order to be able to measure the effects.”

He added: “The virus isn’t going to be particularly interested in dates.”

The Government is therefore on a mission to vaccinate the “missing” 2 million by Monday. But current data suggests social care workers are increasingly reluctant to come forward. We’re not surprised after seeing the government report on adverse effects to the Covid vaccines (see for yourself here).

Thanks to the miraculous Covid jabs, which are 110% still in the experimental stage, people are being left blind, suffering strokes, suffering miscarriages and dropping dead instantly.

We’re also being told the vaccination programme won’t necessarily lead to restrictions being eased. So what exactly is the point?

Well maybe it has something to do with the fact many MP’s and members of SAGE have links to pharmaecutical companies and are seeing pound signs? Don’t believe us? See for yourself here.

GP’s are also now being paid commission to administer the jab in people’s homes and the NHS has directed family doctors to make personal phone calls to persuade the public to take the vaccine....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>..