Further Reading

Monday 22 March 2021

Coerced – Why has Vaccination against Covid become Vaccination for Freedom?

[The Daily Expose]: Do you know anyone who has had one of the experimental Covid vaccines? If so, ask them why they had it. We bet the answer isn’t “because it will protect me from Covid-19”. We bet it was more along the lines of “because it will give me back my freedom”.

Thousands upon thousands of people are taking an experimental vaccine because they believe it will allow them to leave the country for a holiday in the sun, or attend a summer music festival, or simply be allowed to enter a hospitality establishment currently deemed non-essential by the Government.

And if they haven’t taken it yet they’re most certainly excited to do so, not because it will “protect” them against Covid-19 but because they might possibly get the life they once knew back.

Can you imagine how future generations will look back at this moment in history? Just as we look back now at the events that took place during 1930’s & 40’s Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler and the acquiescence of the German people to fascistic, authoritarian rule and condemn the atrocities that took place.

The future generations will wonder how the birthplace of democracy, the United Kingdom surrendered its freedoms without thought because a man, in a suit on the television said they “must stay at home”.

They will laugh at how the people of the United Kingdom seemed to possess the memory of goldfish as the same man in a suit on the television told them they needed just “three weeks to flatten the curve” repeating the mantra for a further twelve months and counting.

They will scoff at how easy it was for a dictatorial, nanny state to buy the rights and freedoms of the British people by offering a furlough scheme disguised as “protecting jobs” when its real purpose was to delay their unemployment to ensure their docile compliance.

And they will shake their heads in amazement at how it took just twelve months to condition the British people into attempting to buy back the rights and freedoms they gave away without a whimper, by taking an experimental “vaccine” without thought.

They will do all this thanks to the benefit of hindsight, and they will commend those who had the foresight to see the events of 2020 and early 2021 for what they really were.

The question is, what will the future generations have to say and think about what happens next?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...