Further Reading

Saturday 27 March 2021

Edward Snowden’s Extraterrestrial Comments Reveal How Deep Government Secrecy May Go

[Collective Evolution]: Edward Snowden expressed that he did not find any extraterrestrial related documents within the CIA or NSA database. With all of the information that's emerged, this most likely means he did not have a high enough clearance to see it.

Why is our world drenched in secrecy? Why can't we live on a planet that basks in transparency? What are the implications of people finding out that we have been visited and are being visited by intelligent life forms from elsewhere?

According to the estimates of some, the US government alone classifies up to 500 million pages of documents every single year, for the purpose of protecting ‘national security.’ Our world is drenched in secrecy, and it’s reached a point where we don’t really know what’s happening on our planet. The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.

“National security” has now become an umbrella term to classify any information that threatens certain corporate or political agendas....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>..