Further Reading

Tuesday 23 March 2021

GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion

[Natural News]: The World Health Organization (WHO) is facilitating a global health dictatorship, commanding all member states to enforce totalitarian lock downs and far-reaching medical edicts that empower government authorities and the vaccine industry – not human health.

WHO’s authoritarian recommendations were adopted in rapid fashion by almost every government on Earth. The behavioral controls and livelihood restrictions imposed by WHO have no basis in immune system health, mental health, or general well being. WHO operates like a global oligarchy, forcing all member states to carry out their orders. In 2020 and beyond, WHO has ordered populations into isolation, avoidance, and unlawful quarantines. WHO has forced perpetual oxygen restrictions, coercive DNA harvesting, and mRNA vaccines experiments, while instructing governments around the world to quash civil liberties and promote medical martial law. This dictatorship is giving rise to a medical apartheid – a system of segregation that punishes healthy people for not complying....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...