Further Reading

Thursday 25 March 2021

Get Ready to Become a ‘Digital Asset’ of the Globalists’ Great Reset

[Humans Are Free]: Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed.

Don’t look now but the world is racing down a path that has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned enough to even talk about the impact this will have on personal privacy.

The answer lies hidden in the coming cashless system.

These elites have wanted to get rid of cash for a long time. This has been a priority item on their to-do list for more than 60 years. They want to monetize, put a value on, every human life. To achieve this, they need to be able to track with pinpoint accuracy everyone’s spending and consumption habits.

They now believe they have found the solution: Replacing cash with a new digital currency based on blockchain technology.

Cash is simply too difficult to track [despite various attempts] and the technocratic elites are obsessed with tracking, measuring and everything in real time.

What will this new digital currency be backed up by? There are several theories, none of which are likely to involve precious metals such as gold or silver.

Some believe the new world currency will be backed by the world’s major land masses and the natural resources beneath that land. This could explain why the Chinese and Bill Gates have been going on a land-buying binge which includes farmland in the United States.

Another theory is that this new global currency will be backed up by human capital, meaning the global workforce.

This would explain why they need to attribute a monetary value to every human being, based on their age, productivity and other contributions to society minus their carbon footprint.

Basically, you become a cog in their globalist wheel, a digital asset of the central banks. Of course the important people will be allowed to use up more carbon and fly around the world on jets, as John Kerry has already informed us, while the masses are relegated to bicycles and public transportation....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....