Further Reading

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Light Of Oracle Card for April 2021 - 'Resolution'

The Light of Truth Oracle card of April 2021 is 'Resolution'. It's gematria is 4-7-2 which is 13 ... the number 4 is very valid for this month. I've often forewarned clients that a 4 vibration year or month is likely to be a 'mini karma' period. When the shifts and changes that have taken place prior to this period calm down ... and an understanding of the ground upon which you stand can be understood. Outcomes and objectives will be unearthed/revealed in April 2021, that suggest what MIGHT happen later in the year. The idea here is to look at the information with an open mind, or in the third party perspective.  

The Resolution card indicated a road of spiritual awakening in April 2021, and with it a sense of what is really going on. The Covid-19 mayhem and hype has really taken perspectives out of the equation. So it is vital to gain a deeper understanding in April 2021 from a higher perspective. The fear of catching an alleged virus, passing it on to others and even dying from this alleged virus, has been the psychological weapon used by the enemy. Accept death, remember you are going to survive that scenario. See April as a growth month because nasty 'plans' are going to be discussed; so rise above your fears and grow. 

The Tarot image associated with Resolution is Judgement. It's important to lose the negative viewpoint and gain a more positive perspective as things most certainly are not how they appear. The enemy is forcing mankind to partake in a rather sick ritual using all the vices it knows to make this happen. It's all a movie and truly a million miles away from what is really happening - © Matthew James 2021