You see this kind of fun in small children who
are so busy being fully present to their lives and in their own bodies
that the glow of fun radiates from them just because they are alive: the
delight that flashes across the eyes of a child who discovers that
water flows with the turn of the tap knob or the squeal of pleasure from
a young baby whose tongue is being tickled by cold ice cream; then
there's the full, infectious laughter of a child watching the same hat
trick for the fiftieth time.
Back when we were children, this experience of pure delight didn't have
to come from a heightened, heady event in order for us to feel like our
day had been made; and it can be that way for us again -- if we are
willing to remember and reconnect with that part of ourselves that knows
how to be in the flow of fun. You can begin this process by
reminiscing on what was fun for you as a child.
Think about what caused
you to giggle in delight or wriggle in pleasure or burst into endless
laughter that you couldn't sit up straight no matter how much you wanted
to. Try to spend a few moments with each memory, and really feel what
it was like to be in those experiences -- allowing that feeling of pure
fun to wash over you. It lives, in you -- that feeling. It can't be
bottled, manufactured, or sold. You just have to call it back up in
order to experience it again....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....