Further Reading

Sunday 21 March 2021

Vaccine Passports And Medical Martial Law

[Waking Times]: Almost one year ago, former President Trump declared a national emergency and the White House announced a 15-day plan to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Governments around the world either preceded the U.S. or soon followed with similar pronouncements. The upsurge in totalitarianism since these edicts were installed is mind-boggling.

Staying home, social distancing, and hand washing were the first steps in the slippery slope towards medical martial law. Then came the lockdowns and mandatory face mask policies. These were soon followed by pressure to take a COVID-19 test, contact tracing, and quarantines. Next were vaccines that were rushed to production, given only “emergency use authorization” by the FDA and still deemed experimental, having completely skipped long-term safety studies. Now, the threat of vaccine passports/certificates represents the next step towards complete tyranny and subjugation of the people....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...