Further Reading

Tuesday 30 March 2021

We’re on the Edge of Something HUGE and It’s NOT Political!

[Humans Are Free]: Governments are collapsing all around us. Here in the United States, check points are set up while barbed wire is being placed all around Washington DC.

The freemason motto at the 33rd degree is “Ordo ab Chao”, which means “Order out of Chaos”.

That’s exactly what’s happening right now but what’s happening in the galactics, to our spiritual evolution, and in higher dimensional levels?

We are all familiar with the alchemy saying, “As above, so below”. If ALL OF THIS is happening down here on Mother Earth, what is happening in the galactics? What is happening to our DNA? What is happening in higher levels of dimension?

We can all sense and feel that we are on the precipice of something magnanimous, but is that feeling for what’s happening here on our planet or is it possible that we’re sensing something much greater on higher levels of consciousness and existence?

As the world population increases, so does our involvement in technological advancements. What used to take weeks, months or even years now takes weeks, days or even hours...<<Read The Full Article Here>>...