Further Reading

Thursday 22 April 2021

Ascension: Why Impartiality is the Simplest Path to Wisdom

[Wake Up World]: Your mind state ought to be in a balanced disposition. Do not be too fluid nor too ardent, but balance your pliability and rigidity to navigate the path towards steady perspective and morality. There are times when the most efficient modality might be more Yin and other times where it might more Yang, and no matter this shift we can still hold steady our moral principles.

There is the notion among the occulted teachings of the world that we all have adhere to and work with the collective consciousness and our own internal consciousness. There is the theorized universal mind of the collective, and there is our own internal mind of thoughts, senses and feelings. Being aware of the collective consciousness enables the ability to hold steady our own consciousness when situations sway away from the moral perspective.

By performing internal work we learn to control our response to the external and internal. The more reason we uphold, with simple principles as the basis, the more we can deal with outside influences and the more we can be smooth despite turbulence. Consciousness is the awareness of awareness. It is almost as if there is an observer of the observer, a third mind, or third perspective noting out own behavior. Only by observing the observer might we refine our observations....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...