Further Reading

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Big tech pouring billions into harvesting blood of the young so elites can live and rule forever

Let them. They obviously want to remain in this simulation indefinitely. Which either means their afterlife is non-existent or its a place where the tables get turned on them 

[Natural News]: It’s something straight out of a science fiction movie, and a bad one at that, but it’s absolutely true: Big Tech oligarchs in the U.S. and abroad are pouring billions into research that will enable them to live and govern eternally by literally discovering the once-fictional “fountain of youth,” even if they have to harvest the blood of the young to achieve it. In fact, the elite aren’t even hiding what they’re trying to do.

You can already see where this is headed: The objective, of course, is to use the blood of the young to help unlock the secrets of aging so that the process can be arrested and even reversed. What’s more, Newsweek is blatant and open about the objective of these companies and their research.

“Their goal is to hack the process of aging itself and, in the process, delay or stave off the onset of many of the diseases most associated with growing old,” the magazine reports.

But here’s the thing: How expensive will this process be? Will only the super-wealthy, the top couple of percent of earners, be able to afford it? Will it remain classified if the researchers unlock the secret because of the tens of billions of dollars generated each year by the healthcare and cosmetic industries to ‘keep looking young’ and treat age-related illnesses?

And finally: Will this treatment only be available to those who are in power?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...