Further Reading

Friday 2 April 2021

Destiny in the Making: Lightworkers Were Seeded Exactly for these

[Waking Times]: Times are tough right now, especially for energy and light workers, as we feel the density being activated in society, a dark veil having been drawn across it. But we incarnated here exactly for these times, we were seeded for them. The frequencies you carry are an antidote to the darkness. When fully unleashed and expressed, they transform the surrounding energy field, which is the only place change can truly happen from. What’s desperately needed right now on the planet is an elevation of consciousness…

Many energy and light workers around the world are reporting just how tough things are out there for them right now. Particularly so within family relationships. Many of you originate in the stars, having agreed to come here at these challenging times. And you’ve incarnated like leaves blown by the wind, to the four corners of the earth.

Thus you often feel alone, and that those around you don’t reflect your true nature. This dynamic has been greatly heightened by the pandemic. You can see through the charade, where those around you have frequently contracted into fear, subjugation and the merciless control of the shadowstate.

The challenge is where those around you become threatened by your expression of freedom and peace – they want you to be worrisome too, so as to protect their own shields. This is where we need to stand strong, where we need to connect with our core star frequencies and let them shine through. For these are the very resonances that will break this stranglehold on society.

Have no doubt, we ARE succeeding. Although the mainstream media has denigrated itself to little more than propaganda for the shadowstate, nevertheless, the truth is spreading, it is breaking through and rippling ever further afield. It’s inspired a plethora of alternative sites and channels to spring forth like flowers in spring time. And we will not be stopped!...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....