[The Daily Expose]: The public needs to hear the truth, and that’s why we’re here. The
notorious fact checkers ‘Full Fact’, who are virtually fully funded by
Facebook, recently released a fact checking article in which they
concluded “the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer & Moderna Covid vaccines) have
been tested for safety and effectiveness like any other vaccine”. Full
Fact are lying to you.
We’re increasingly concerned that there
is a lack of information available to the public that will allow them to
make an informed decision about whether having the Covid vaccine is
right for them. For example, one Doctor recently responded
to an article in the BMJ, in which he described how he’d asked his own
GP which Covid jab he was being offered, and his GP responded that he
“thought they were all the same”. What hope have the public got of being
reliably informed if the health professionals in charge of the
vaccination roll-out don’t have the slightest clue themselves?
we felt the perfect way to inform the public was to rip to shreds
several points made by Full Fact in response to a Q&A fact sheet on
the Covid vaccines that had been circulating on social media....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...