Further Reading

Friday 30 April 2021

Gov. Whitmer declares the entire state of Michigan to be a VACCINE PRISON CAMP … obey or stay locked down forever

[Natural News]: Keep in mind that all covid vaccines in America today are experimental treatments that cannot be mandated or forced onto people under U.S. law and FDA regulations. Coercion is not only morally and ethically wrong, it’s illegal.  

Yet Gov. Whitmer is using coercion to force people to take these deadly vaccines if they want to earn back their “freedom.” Like all government criminals and terrorists, Gov. Whitmer believes that the government controls all freedoms and can withhold those freedom from the people as a form of punishment to coerce people into taking vaccine suicide injections.

This is Josef Mengele-level crime against humanity. Gov. Whitmer deserves to be arrested, charged and prosecuted for carrying out Holocaust-class crimes against humanity and forcing millions of people to participate, against their will, in deadly medical experiments that may kill them. Josef Mengele was a mainstream doctor and PhD, and after being found guilty in a war crimes tribunal, he was publicly hanged to death by order of the court.

Whitmer would have felt right at home running the Zyklon B gas chambers in Nazi Germany, no doubt. She is a wicked, anti-human criminal and a threat to every person in the State of Michigan. And she needs to face her own trial under a new war crimes tribunal that’s organized in the United States of America to arrest and prosecute all the vaccine holocaust war criminals operating right here on American soil. Deadly, experimental vaccines are a form of medical violence, and Gov. Whitmer is happy to deploy this violence against her own people, and threaten them with prisoner-style lockdowns if they don’t comply. Such tactics should never be deployed or tolerated in a free society....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...