Further Reading

Thursday 22 April 2021

Having A Say Part 1

It is VERY alarming, and disturbing, at this time with all that our corrupt and dangerous governments, scientists and medical professionals are doing. We've been sitting back over the weeks, publishing posts with only the odd comment here and there. So it's time for us to start writing our opinions and insights more often.

We'll start with this ... it's certain there is  MASS GENOCIDE program been put in motion, and the mRNA gene therapy instrument is a depopulation bioweapon. It is heart breaking to read through Telegram post, after post, relating to horrific side effects and deaths ... all due to the mRNA vaccines.

The governments know for sure and remain silent. They are complicit in mass murder; as are the doctors, the nurses, the press officers, the new's anchors etc etc ... who all push this killer jab ... and we're pretty certain that this will all catch up with them all in the end. 

The sad thing is all the innocent lives that will be lost and permanently affected after this is over. Rest assured the Globalists WILL NOT succeed in their psychopathic plans ... they appear to think they will. But no they won't.

We are most concerned that the gullible humans have bought this damn myth and as a result now wallow in fear in their homes, in shops and in streets ... they wear the mask and do the 2m social distancing which is in truth the two things undertaken in satanic rituals ... they are conforming to evil witchcraft and will be the human sacrifices at the end of this. If it doesn't get stopped ...

Here in the UK, our rogue government has us believe that there have been 130,000 Covid deaths. YET the PCR tests are proven to be flawed ... a positive test is not a case. People without symptoms DO NOT carry an a virus. Viruses are part of the immune response to toxins and so cannot be outside of the body. All and sundry illnesses are put down as Covid ... all to boost the liars figures up. But even if 130K deaths have happened ... with a 99.8% survival rate it is a damn sight safer option than the dangerous and untested gene therapy that has so far flawed in excess of 250,000 people and killed thousands ... 

It's not about a damn virus anyway. The gene therapy has been developed over the last decade, or more, in secret ... so they know what it does. It contains nanotechnology and is a fatal brew that gives all those who've had it a MAXIMUM lifespan of 3 years! The vaccine came first so they had to invent Covid until covid could be made in the bodies of those who are foolish enough to be coerced into this deadly toxin.

Why are people so careful what fuels and the like go in their cars ... but so nutjob crazy about not worrying what goes in their bodies???

This situation is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better.....