Further Reading

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Honey Versus Blood – The Battle Between Comfort and Courage

[Humans Are Free]: Fortitude. Backbone. Gumption. Grit. Mettle. All too often our abundant privilege and soothing creature comforts rob us of these vital aspects of character. We grow soft, weighed down by extreme convenience, uncontrolled contentedness, and a cultural conditioning that brainwashes us into believing that maintaining the comfort zone is the be-all-end-all.

As a culture, courage is losing the battle against comfort. The honey is too abundant, too addictive, too soothing. We’ve dulled the sharpening stone by neglecting the millstone. And the philosopher’s stone? What the hell even is that? Exactly!

We need a cultural wakeup call, a societal overhaul. We need to tap our inner Daunte and stare dead into the abyss, yelling, “O muses! O high genius! Now vouchsafe your aid!”

But we shouldn’t rely on someone else to win this battle for us. This is your fight. This is my fight. This is our fight as a profoundly sick society trying to heal itself.

Only you can stretch your too-tiny comfort zone. Only you can get the blood flowing through your half-dead life. Only you can dig down deep for that inner fire and dare to take a leap of courage.

Too much honey taints the blood. Too much comfort smothers courage. Only you can cleanse the taint. Only you can emancipate your courage. Nobody else can do it for you....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...