Further Reading

Tuesday 20 April 2021

It’s Time to Dismantle the World Health Organization

[Humans Are Free]: The WHO and those in charge of public health, the virologists and the pharmaceutical laboratories… created a whole system around the imminence of a pandemic.

There is a lot of money at stake, as well as networks of influence, careers and whole institutions! And the minute one of the flu viruses mutates we’d see the whole machine roll into action.

The ultimate international authority for infectious diseases is the World Health Organization (WHO).

Due to its widespread acceptance by the world’s national governments, it has been extremely successful in assuming the helm to monitor regional and global infectious diseases and dictate medical intervention policies to international health agencies.

The organization has become the final word to rule whether the spread of a serious pathogen is a pandemic or not.

For the majority of the medical community, the media and the average person, the WHO is the front line command post for medical prevention (i.e., vaccination) and treatment.

Consequently its rulings are often regarded as the gold standard. On matters of global health, the WHO holds dominance.

For approximately a year the WHO has propagated the belief that the first line of defense for curtailing the COVID-19 pandemic is self-isolation, distancing, masks and, ultimately, vaccination.

Although it approved Ivermectin as a cost-effective treatment against SARS-CoV-2 infections, it disapproved hydroxychloroquine in favor of Gilead Bioscience’s and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease’s (NIAID) Anthony Fauci’s novel and costly drug Remdesivir.

Much of it’s funding efforts have been reserved for mass-vaccination with the new generation of experimental vaccines.

Throughout these efforts, the WHO has allied itself with the US’s and UK’s national health systems, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and his Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) initiative.

Most people wrongly assume the WHO acts independently from private commercial and national government interests for the welfare of the world’s population.

The legitimacy of the WHO as a gold standard of health is dubious....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...