Further Reading

Monday 19 April 2021

MAGIC: Seasonal flu doesn’t exist anymore, only Covid-19, according to CDC and MSM

[Natural News]: Best part about Covid is that there aren’t any other sicknesses anymore. They’re all magically gone. Got a headache? Covid. Got a sore throat? Covid. Coughing frequently? You’ve got Covid. Fever? Definitely Covid. Even all deaths are labeled Covid-caused now. Did someone jump off a 10-story building? Covid. Did someone choke to death on a big hunk of steak? Covid.

Yes, the CDC has suspended ALL data collection for the seasonal flu since the Covid plandemic was set in motion, and anyone who dies from the flu, from here on out, will be labeled a Covid-caused death. Hospitals across America are being paid in large swaths of cash for every death registered as Covid.

By now, nearly every American has been exposed to Covid, and probably built up antibodies already, that’s why the tests are invalid, false-negatives, false-positives – it’s all just one big boondoggle to keep the sheeple confused, but obeying orders....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...