Further Reading

Sunday 18 April 2021

OUTRAGEOUS – UK Authorities say it is now 100% safe for Pregnant Women to have the Covid Vaccine but Official Data shows they are Lying

[The Daily Expose]: Here’s some of the things the authorities demand you avoid when pregnant – smoked fish, soft cheese, wet paint, coffee, herbal tea, vitamin supplements, processed junk foods… the list is endless. But the UK authorities have announced that it is now perfectly acceptable for every single pregnant woman in the United Kingdom to have one of the experimental Covid-19 “vaccines”. This is an absolute outrage.

This is the first line from a statement issued by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the UK Government website –

There have been no specific safety concerns identified with any brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in relation to pregnancy.”

They’re lying.

The UK Government have released a weekly report since the beginning of February on adverse reactions to the Covid “vaccines” which have been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme. Many of you will not even know the Yellow Card scheme exists – here is the link to report any adverse reactions suffered if you have been coerced into taking the experimental gene therapy – https://coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/.

Within one of the very first reports we were given a shock when we discovered there had been reports made to the MHRA of women losing their baby after being given one of the Covid-19 vaccines. Why were we so shocked? Because this was the UK Governments advice at the time...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...