Further Reading

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Pol Potbelly Turned The UK Into A Totalitarian State In A Year

[Richie Allen]: Twelve months ago, the UK was a country where people were (mostly) left to get on with their lives, unless they had committed a crime. Now, the government is asking citizens to prove that they are not infected and to carry a licence that will allow them to participate in society.

Boris Johnson’s government wants every man, woman and child in the country to take two coronavirus tests a week, because he wants to locate the virus in asymptomatic people. There is zero evidence that asymptomatic people transmit covid-19 or any other virus.

Citizens who attempt to leave the country “without a valid reason” can expect to be detained and fined thousands of pounds. Church-goers can expect tooled-up police officers to break up their prayers and fine them for worshipping.

For over a year now, the government has dictated where we can and cannot go and who we can and cannot meet. Tens of thousands of seniors have been condemned to die miserable lonely deaths in care homes, wait for it, for their protection.

Children have been terrorised by “don’t kill granny” ad campaigns. As a result of this and being locked up and kept away from their friends for a year, psychologists are warning of a children’s “mental health tsunami.”

Business owners have been forced to shut their doors and to stand by, while the companies they built from scratch go bust. When some shop owners disobeyed, they were handcuffed, arrested and taken to their local police station to be fined.

The Coronavirus Act 2020, contains within it, provisions for Public Health Officers to enter people’s homes and transport them to a government facility, if they suspect that they are infected and not cooperating with stay at home orders.

The Orwellian act was recently renewed until October, despite the fact that hospitals were never overwhelmed and that overall, deaths for any reason are lower in 2021 (so far), than in the same period last year.

Secondary school children have been coerced into wearing facemasks during classes, despite two recent peer-reviewed studies that show many of the masks contain harmful chemicals, including formaldehyde. Children don’t contract covid-19 and they don’t pass it on.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being advised by a small group of doom-mongering scientists (collectively known as SAGE), who believe that coronavirus measures will be with us for years to come. 

Tens of thousands of scientists, many of them eminently more qualified than Whitty, Vallance and the rest of the SAGE rabble, have been barred from the national airwaves, because they profoundly disagree with lockdowns and mass vaccination programmes.

The media has become the propaganda wing of number 10 Downing Street....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...