Further Reading

Monday, 12 April 2021

Psychological Immunity During The Time of COVID

[Waking Times]: Taking your life back from the global chaos is the single, most important thing you can do for yourself and your family. Losing your mind to anything in life is pretty bad, but losing yourself into the COVID drama is much worse because it brings the fear of death into your daily life.

Fear of death is an innate fear in all of us.

Now during the pandemic, these fear has been triggered and brought to the surface. People are scared to die. This innate, primal fear is now being used to destroy our world.

I would recommend you read up on death statistics in your country. Have you ever actually done it before? Do you realize that people are literally dying around you all the time?

It is actually mind blowing to learn about these facts. COVID, which has a 99.7% survival rate, is as bad as a bad flu, which we have annually all over the world. People die from the flu as well, but we never heard about shutting down human civilization because of it.

When you actually open your mind to facts, things start looking differently and you begin to feel much more relaxed. Did you know that your chance of dying from COVID is less than being killed by a terrorist or eaten by a shark? Just think about it. It’s actually ridiculous!

Your fear, which is a built in alarm system to warn you of danger, has been abused by mainstream media, a sustained brainwashing machine used to benefit those in power. A properly working alarm gets turned off when you wake up in the morning. But the COVID alarm just keeps on going. Imagine an alarm in your head that cannot be turned off? Pretty scary, isn’t it? Well, this is what actually happening in your head if you are watching TV. An alarm that drives you mad. And that is the whole point of setting it off. Those who did it, want you to be scared. It’s good for business, as they say....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...