Further Reading

Thursday 22 April 2021

The crisis that never was – COVID 19 is just the latest moral panic

 Sadly. Those coerced into taking the gene therapy are becoming incubators for SYNTHETIC Covid-19. It has not been isolated in nature, but has been created in labs for the purpose of these evil concoctions. The vaccinated will be the pandemic. They are already creating the virus within themselves due to the mRNA chemicals (And Nanoworms) and are going to become extremely contagious. It's only a matter of time before the death cult's evil plan really kicks into action. Covid-19 will then suddenly be isolated in a lab and hey presto ...

[The Daily Expose]: In a year of ‘following the science’, the social sciences have not had a look in. Perhaps they have made way for the behavioural scientists, of which there are a good few in SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) — the body providing expert advice on how to tackle and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. My concern — to borrow a phrase from my old university lecturer, the late great Stan Cohen — is that we have created a new ‘moral panic’ in our response to COVID-19.

A moral panic is a widespread fear, often a disproportionate one, that someone (the so-called ‘folk devils’) or something is a threat to the safety of society. The reaction can often create the phenomenon itself (see also Labelling Theory). Typically, these panics are perpetuated by the mass media, fueled by politicians, and often result in new laws or regulations that target the source of the panic and foster increased social control. The keys stages and ‘actors’ in the moral panic are presented below....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....