Further Reading

Monday, 12 April 2021

Totem Bird of the Week - 'Pelican'

 Pelican is the totem bird of the week for Monday 12th April to Sunday 18th April 2021; it's medicine is that of Resourcefulness and Regeneration. It's a week that the human race needs to co-operate against the tyranny that is threatening to diminish its numbers considerably. Divide and rule has always been the means that the enemy uses to keep our power from being at full tilt. However, if we were to put our differences to one side, and unite for a common goal - our enemy, which is in the minority will be over-thrown. We are need to realise our selves and our strengths. Working together brings victory. 

Sadly, this is likely to fall on deaf ears in so many quarters, due to the extreme brainwashing and mind control that is being employed during this Covid-19 psy-ops. Thankfully, there is enough of us awakened to help overthrow the enemy. The work is being done ... but tens of thousand more of us are needed to guarantee that victory.