Further Reading

Tuesday 6 April 2021

UK Doctor says “Relentless & Coercive push of the Covid Vaccine roll-out makes a mockery of Informed Consent”

[The Daily Expose]: A GP in the United Kingdom has lambasted the relentless and coercive push of the authorities Covid-19 experimental vaccine roll-out and insisted it makes a mockery of informed consent.

Dr Teck Khong, who served as a GP at Pasley Road Health Centre in Leicester for 37 years until March 2019, implied that the general public were not being told the facts about the new Covid vaccines as he suggested they may believe the different brands of vaccines are all the same as each other. Pointing out that even his own GP was none the wiser.

The fact that medical professionals do not know what these “vaccines” actually are or how they work is extremely concerning.

The Pfizer / BioNTech “vaccine” which was approved for emergency use back in December 2020 is an mRNA gene therapy. As is the Moderna jab which is supposed to hit UK shores soon. The mRNA gene therapy has never before been authorised for use in humans, and for good reason.

When I was offered Covid vaccination by my GP, I asked him which it was he was offering me. He thought they were all the same until I explained that there are 7 technological approaches being employed in the making of the 214 vaccine candidates that were in the pipeline or had reached emergency authorisation in December 2020. This impression of homogeneity has been allowed to be glibly glossed over in the mass immunisation programme.” Dr Teck Khong said....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...