Further Reading

Friday, 16 April 2021

Where’s Dr. Fauci As Another Corona-Myth Dies?

[Humans Are Free]: For over a year well-to-do Americans have quite literally been “quarantining” packages shipped to them, and that were dropped off at their residences by “science-denying” untouchables who lacked the means to similarly “shelter-in-place.”

The package-terrified have usually waited 48 hours before handling said box and contents.

What about the Clorox wipes that were never in stock thanks to frantic science believers clearing the shelves of them? Some never left their homes.

Of course, when the corona-fearful actually ventured outside, they wore gloves while still not touching anything.

They jumped out in the street when passing another human since, well, you know, the very humans who’ve driven all progress for millennia were suddenly a lethal menace to one another.

But the main thing is that if they had to risk their lives by being in public, the science reverent more than masked up: they wiped down everything they came near.

Even though airlines were sending out texts ahead of boarding meant to comfort the nail-biting about plane interiors that had been thoroughly scrubbed, passengers still brought their own wipes on planes; that, or they accepted wipes from flight attendants in order to double up on the work done by maintenance.

At present, Hilton essentially co-brands its rooms with Lysol….

Oh well, apparently all that hand wringing about surfaces was a tad overdone. Last week the CDC announced that the risk of contracting the virus by touching a “contaminated” surface was somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 and 10,000.

Another myth born of Covid-hysteria has bitten the dust....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...