Further Reading

Monday 31 May 2021

The Great Reset Requires Great Propaganda and the Rejection of Logic and Rationality

[Humans Are Free]: You’re being coaxed and coerced into denouncing logic and rationality, but why?

“We need enormous trust between the private sector and the public sector for this to actually work. That trust is hard to come by.”~Ajay Banga, former CEO Mastercard

Trust in the global governance scheme is wholly dependent on the abandonment of logic and rationality. And in order to manufacture this kind of trust, The World Economic Forum and its cohorts are creating top-level propaganda to convince you that authoritarianism is humanitarianism. It is not.

Consider this recent sales pitch for ‘The Great Reset,’ or as we used to call it, The New World Order. In it the WEF acknowledges the fact that many people see a conspiracy afoot, but the WEF tries to soothe the masses by talking down to them.

From the description for this video on YouTube:

“The pandemic has radically changed the world as we know it, and the actions we take today, as we work to recover, will define our generation. It’s why the World Economic Forum is calling for a new form of capitalism, one that puts people and planet first, as we come together to rebuild the world after COVID-19.”

In other words, thanks to the pandemic scaring the daylights out of all you TV watchers out there, the WEF is now ready to invade every aspect of your life....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Number of COVID Cases in Delhi Crashes After Mass Distribution of Ivermectin

[Humans Are Free]: India has been suffering horrendously from COVID of late, and the complete death toll may never be known. But in the capital city of Delhi, mass distribution of ivermectin began and the results have been stunning.

Yet, most doctors in this country refuse to prescribe Ivermectin, and most hospitals in this country refuse to administer it even to seriously ill COVID patients, citing the lack of double-blind studies – which are expensive and time consuming and which yield no big profits for anyone since ivermectin is a generic drug with no patent protection....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote for the Day


"You cannot change anyone but you can be the reason that someone changes." - Roy T. Bennett

Considering Others

[Daily OM]: Every thought we think and every action we take has an impact on the world around us. To be aware of this is to be conscious of our impact on the people in our lives. Sometimes we just want to do what we want to do, but considering the full ramifications of our actions can be an important part of our spiritual growth and awareness. At first, being more conscious requires effort, but once we have made it a habit, it becomes second nature. The more we practice this awareness of others, the more we find ourselves in easy alignment with our integrity.

Our thoughts are an important place to begin this practice because our thoughts are the seeds of our actions. It is not necessary or beneficial to obsessively monitor all our thoughts, but we can perhaps choose one thought or action per day and simply notice if we are in alignment with this experience of integrity. For example, we may find ourselves replaying a negative encounter with someone in our minds. We may think that this doesn't affect the person about whom we are thinking, but the laws of energy tell us that it does. When we hold someone negatively in our minds, we risk trapping them in negativity. If we were this person, we might wish for forgiveness and release. We can offer this by simply letting go of the negative thought and replacing it with a wish for healing on that person's behalf....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Is The Government About To Ditch The Vaccine Passport?

[Richie Allen]: According to The Telegraph this morning, the UK government is set to scrap plans to introduce vaccine passports for domestic use. Ministers have been looking at whether the law could be changed to make passports a condition of entry at football matches, concerts, festivals and business conferences.

However, The Telegraph is reporting today, that it’s not going to happen:

Plans to make Covid-19 passports a legal requirement for large events are set to be dropped, The Telegraph understands.

Officials working on the review into Covid-19 status certification believe there is no chance the law will be changed to mandate their use within the UK.

“It’s not a case of ‘it’s finely balanced’. It’s not going to happen,” said one well-placed government source close to the review. “Everyone says it’s dead.”

Showing proof of a jab has become accepted for international travel, given that some countries demand evidence for entry, and UK travellers are already able to do so via the NHS app.

However, their use within the UK is much more controversial, with critics warning that making people show proof of their medical status for social events raises serious ethical questions.

UK prime Minister Boris Johnson is on the record as saying that a vaccine passport would never be required to enter a supermarket or see a doctor. He’s also been fairly cool on the idea of needing one to go to the pub or book a table at a restaurant.

Is it really dead in the water? Something’s up here. It doesn’t make any sense. Nothing matters more to this government than vaccinating everyone in the country. The passport has been their ace card....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Natural News statement on vaccine refusal, freedom of choice, due process and human rights

[Natural News]: We believe in the principles of human rights and freedom of choice when it comes to any medical intervention, regardless of their risks or benefits. This means we believe every human being has the right to independently decide whether they wish to consent to a vaccine intervention, even if those vaccines are “experimental” in nature and may pose the risk of serious harm, injury or death.

Because we believe in health freedom, we must respect the freedoms of others who choose medical interventions that we know to be dangerous. However, we may do our best to inform them of the risks that doctors, science journals and the media aren’t sharing with the public.

Acceptable methods of working to save someone from vaccine injury include sharing knowledge and information such as...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Totem Bird of the Week - 'Honeyeater'

The totem bird of the week for Monday 31st May to Sunday 6th June 2021 is the Honeyeater. Its medicine is that of 'The Principle Of Balance' which aids with the ability to balance energy levels, thus ensuring that days can be spent fulfilling roles, and not feeling that tired it is not possible to get through the day without daily routines suffering. The medicine also aids in learning to transmit and receive energy from, and to, people and places. 

UK Government Secretly Tracked Vaccinated Brits’ Phones After Covid Jab to See If Their Behaviour Changed

[The Daily Expose]: A report has revealed that millions in the UK were tracked by their phones without their knowledge after they received the Covid vaccine.

Phones were tracked without consent as part of a government study into how their movements changed post-injection.

According to the report which was leaked by The Telegraph, data from one in ten phones in the UK was tracked in February.

The phone data was used by researchers at Oxford University who were carrying out studies for the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B), which advises the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

Oxford scientists used ‘cell phone mobility data’ for one in ten of the British population and figured out that over 4,254 people had received a jab.

The scientists then tracked the vaccinated group using call data records and monitored certain locations for the week before and after vaccination to determine whether a change in movement could be detected.

The movements of the monitored vaccinated group were compared against a control group and scientists found that their “average pre-vaccination mobility increased by 218 metres.”

According to a government source, people were not tracked at an individual level, data was anonymised, and it was not possible for scientists to identify those who were being monitored.

The source said that it was GPS tracing and the study was given the green-light by an Oxford University ethics committee.

Privacy campaigners who are battling state surveillance raised their concerns over the report, stating that the British public will be “disturbed to discover they were unwittingly tracked and subjected to behavioural analysis via their phones.”

Silkie Carlo, a spokesman for Big Brother Watch, told The Telegraph: “No one expects that by going to get a vaccine they will be tracked and monitored by their own Government.

“This is deeply chilling and could be extremely damaging to public trust in medical confidentiality.

“Between looming Covid passports and vaccine phone surveillance, this Government is turning Britain into a Big Brother state under the cover of Covid. This should be a wake up call to us all.”

In response to the leaked report, a government spokesman said: “All the data sets used in this research are set out in the paper, which makes clear that the mobile phone location data used is GDPR-compliant and has been provided from a company that collected, cleaned, and anonymised the data.

“The data is at cell tower rather than individual level. The researchers were granted access to the dataset under a research contract with ethical approval provided to the researchers from the University of Oxford, working on behalf of SPI-B.”

It will be of no surprise that this news will be hastily swept under the carpet and will be forgotten by the majority, who will blindly roll up their sleeves to accept experimental “vaccines” that have caused over 851,756 adverse reactions so far…

Government ‘advisor’ – the disgraceful psychological manipulator Susan Michie – says ‘Freedom Day June 21st is ‘on a knife edge’ which is exactly what her Wellcome Trust SAGE mate Farrar said in June 2020. Same script, same bollocks … Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Nuremberg …

[David Icke]: SAGE advisers today called for England’s June 21 Freedom Day to be delayed ‘by a few weeks’ amid rising cases of the Indian Covid variant – as a minister admitted the Government ‘couldn’t rule anything out’.

Professor Ravi Gupta, who sits on the NERVTAG subgroup, urged No10 to push back the crucial date to allow more people to get vaccinated before ditching all social distancing and mask-wearing rules.

The Cambridge University expert claimed there were early signs the third wave had already begun – after daily infections breached 4,000 on Friday for the first time in nearly two months – and warned it could become ‘quite explosive’ over the next few months. During a round of interviews this morning, Environment Secretary George Eustice said the Government ‘couldn’t rule anything out’ when asked if the June 21 unlocking could be delayed. He insisted a decision would be made in a fortnight’s time when ministers will know more about the Indian strain’s effect on hospital rates. 

Professor Gupta said the jab rollout was giving people a ‘false sense of security’ because infection rates were still relatively low, but claimed it was inevitable unvaccinated people would eventually start to fall ill with the highly infectious strain. The roaring success of the vaccine programme has seen almost 40million adults given at least one dose of the jab and 25million fully inoculated. But it leaves more than 5million Britons over-50 either unvaccinated or only partially protected. 

Professor Gupta’s comments were echoed by SAGE professor Susan Michie, who warned Britain was on a ‘knife-edge’ as it approached the June 21 deadline. The University College London behavioural scientist, who sits on the SPI-B committee, said said fully opening the country as planned could lead to a serious spike akin to the second wave in the winter....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Sunday 30 May 2021

Where Do You Thoughts Come From?

Gather round and listen ... are your thoughts you right now you own? Where do they originate from? Are you in control of your thoughts? Your thoughts create your reality. Your thoughts are being hijacked to control how you think; to influence the way you create your reality.

Quote for the Day


"They have us believing that illusion is real and real is illusion." - Matthew James

Vaccine passports backfire - the case of Israel shows that

[SOTT]: Israelis had every reason to be optimistic - we were the first country in the world to achieve mass vaccination against Covid-19 and, thus, "normality" seemed within reach. Alas, a digital vaccination ID called the "Green Pass" was introduced as a prerequisite for returning to normal life. The Israeli Ministry of Health used two reasons to justify the need for this Green Pass: first, to enable and expedite the reopening of businesses by creating safe "green spaces" only for vaccinated individuals and, second, to pressure those hesitating to get the jab.

Theatres, pools, sports events, bars and restaurants were instructed to deny entrance to those not carrying a Green Pass. In some places, there are designated areas for the unvaccinated, and "vaccinated only" signs have appeared even on public seats at the Tel-Aviv beach. Israel now has two classes of citizens, the upper vaccinated and the lower unvaccinated.

The Green Pass was promoted with a clear message: getting the shot is the right choice. Those who refuse it are immoral, therefore, and excluding them is legitimate. The campaign to promote vaccination was often scientifically inaccurate and ethically questionable, exaggerating the danger posed by the virus to the lowest risk groups such as young, healthy students.

An atmosphere of intolerance took over. Companies announced that unvaccinated staff would be fired. Some universities banned unvaccinated students from in-person lectures. An esteemed researcher could not attend a conference that he had helped organise because he was not vaccinated. School teachers are being publicly condemned and forced to cease teaching until vaccinated. Those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons are unable to return to the new "normal" life.

The coercive measures had a paradoxical effect. Traditionally, the Israeli public has a remarkably high adherence to routine vaccinations. However, the heated debate related to the Green Pass, along with public shaming, has led to resentment and anger. Thus, a substantially greater number of young Israeli citizens, who would have never considered refusing a vaccine recommended by their GP, have refused the Covid-19 shots, and are more attentive to anti-vaccination ideology, which may impede future vaccination adherence....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

This Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal is Said to Depict 12 Planets in Our Solar System

[Humans Are Free]: There is an Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal, believed to be around 4,500 years old that curiously seems to depict our Sun and twelve planets within our Solar System, one of them supposedly being Nibiru, the elusive planet lurking somewhere on the outer edges of the Solar System.

One of the most controversial seals ever discovered and discussed among scholars is dubbed VA/243 and seems to depict – according to many — 12 planets within our Solar System with the Sun at its center.

The Seal which dates back –at least- from the third millennium B.C. can be found at the State Museum in Easter Berlin and is cataloged as VA/243.

According to numerous researchers, this ancient Akkadian Cylinder Seal is one of the most ancient cylinder seals ever discovered and appears to be one of the most mysterious as well.

The reason? Well, it allegedly depicts the entire family of our Solar System and a rogue planet identified by authors such as Sitchin as Planet X, or Nibiru, home planet of the Ancient Anunnaki....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Restricting Freedom Didn’t Defeat COVID

[Waking Times]: Let’s travel back in time to March of 2020, when predictions of mass death related to the new coronavirus started to gain currency. One study, conducted by Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson, indicated that U.S. deaths alone would exceed 2 million.

The above number is often used, even by conservatives and libertarians, as justification for the initial lockdowns.

“We knew so little” is the excuse, and with so many deaths expected, can anyone blame local, state, and national politicians for panicking?

The answer is a resounding yes.

To see why, imagine if Ferguson had predicted 30 million American deaths. Imagine the fear among the American people then—which is precisely the point: The more threatening a virus is presumed to be, the more superfluous government force is. Really, who needs to be told to be careful if a failure to take precautions could reasonably result in death?

Death predictions aside, the other justification bruited in March of 2020 was that brief lockdowns (two weeks was the number often thrown around) would flatten the hospitalization curve. In this case, the taking of freedom allegedly made sense as a way of protecting hospitals from a massive inflow of sick patients that they wouldn’t have been able to handle, and that would have resulted in a public health catastrophe.

Such a view similarly vandalizes reason. Think about it. Who needs to be forced to avoid behavior that might result in hospitalization? Better yet, who needs to be forced to avoid behavior that might result in hospitalization at a time when doctors and hospitals would be so short-staffed as to not be able to take care of admitted patients? Translated for those who need it, the dire predictions made over a year ago about the corona-horrors that awaited us don’t justify the lockdowns; rather they should remind the mildly sentient among us of how cruel and pointless they were. The common sense that we are to varying degrees born with, along with our genetic predisposition to survive, dictates that a fear of hospitalization or death would have caused Americans to take virus-avoidance precautions that would have well exceeded any rules foisted on them by politicians.

To which some will reply with something along the lines of “Not everyone has common sense. In truth, there are lots of dumb, low-information types out there who would have disregarded all the warnings. Lockdowns weren’t necessary for the wise among us; rather they were essential precisely because there are so many who aren’t wise.”

Actually, such a response is the best argument of all against lockdowns....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


[Daily OM]: Cooperation seems simple: working together toward a common goal for the benefit of all involved. But amazingly it can be quite challenging, even when we have so many successful examples all around us. Human society is based upon the concept of cooperation, but finding a balance to ensure the good of all members of society is difficult. In nature, symbiotic relationships form between unlikely allies: a bee and a flower, a bird and a rhinoceros, small fish and sharks. 

Yet nature also shows us instances of constant competition in which only the strongest survive. Given the choice, it seems most people would choose the more peaceful path of cooperation. Intellectually, we know that together we can create something greater than what one could do alone, but cooperation still seems to be one of the greatest challenges people face. We don't always agree on how goals can be reached. Our priorities may be different, or our methods, but in the end, cooperation offers the best chance for success.

So how can we learn to cooperate with each other? We can gain greater perspective by trying to understand one another's point of view, perhaps even putting ourselves in their place. We can search for commonalities as well as differences, and look for the good in different approaches. There is always more than one way of doing things, and some approaches are better suited for certain situations than others. All this is easier when we let go of the necessity to be right and to call others wrong. More important, we must believe that there is a solution that benefits all involved, not just one side. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Papers please! Coming soon, ‘no shot, no service’

[Natural News]: Did you hear about the new vaccine bracelet being sold? That’s right. You can wear it in public so people will know that you’re safe to be around. I wish I were joking.

This is what they’re selling. Avoid fellow citizens, fear half the population. Way to go liberal media activists. Then there’s NY Governor Andrew Cuomo who plans to segregate baseball stadiums into vaccinated and unvaccinated sections. Let’s see, divide people even more – what could go wrong?

Writing for Harbinger’s Daily, prophecy watcher, Chad Thomas shared some concerns many of us have warned about. We’re upset about government overreach and the loss of our freedoms, yes, but it will be corporations, airlines, and private businesses that will practically force you to take a vaccine. People won’t be able to buy, sell, or travel without it.’”

More on this in a minute. Did you ever think these things would be happening at such breakneck speed?

First, let’s clarify. We’re not being reckless by asking legitimate questions about more research and studies, or by wanting accurate statistics on all things Covid. We’re not denying people’s serious concerns or those with major health vulnerabilities. People have died, government has lied.

The virus itself is very real. But the fear mongering, progressive push wrecking our country’s economy, and the suffocating of our freedoms should wake us all up. The agenda behind it all is pushing us closer to a new world order. It’s a globalists dream.

So, this vaccination bracelet inventor says his device tells the powers that be, ‘I support the vaccine effort, I’ve been vaccinated, I’m safe to be around.’

It’s called the ImmunaBand, and for about twenty bucks, you can feel superior to others and have your vaccine records immediately accessible. So rather than authorities demanding to see your papers, they ask to see your wrist band.

The inventor, Dr. Toshof Bernton of Denver, said people in the travel and restaurant industry are getting the bands for their employees....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Blackpool 2-1 Lincoln City: Kenny Dougall the Wembley hero as Seasiders clinch promotion back to the Championship

[Blackpool Evening Gazette]: The Seasiders recovered from a horror start, when they fell behind after just 48 seconds following Ollie Turton’s freak own goal.

But Neil Critchley’s men produced a magnificent response, eventually levelling through Dougall before half-time.

From this point onwards, the Seasiders had an impressive level of control in the game, edging their noses in front through Dougall’s second of the game.

Pool saw out the remainder of the Wembley showpiece with minimal fuss, clinching a return to England’s second tier after a six-year absence.

The Seasiders, the play-off kings, now have an amazing six promotions from the nine play-off campaigns they’ve taken part in....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...



Saturday 29 May 2021

Soapbox - True Teachers

The Spiritual Awakening is taking place. It has wonderful advantages for discovering your true potential at this time. But it also has its downside ... so called Psychic Teachers who are barely grasping the basis of spiritual development themselves. This video discussed this phenomenon.

'The Darkest Is Before Dawn'

When was the order made for the vipers and the demons to hide themselves from the surface of the earth ... and the sacred texts plundered; and the memories of man rearranged ... who made that order and why? Because the memory of man is short, but the living mind of the spirit inside man is eternal. Whoever made that order made a mistake ... a grave mistake ... for such is the way of things on this sphere

All things hidden will become revealed ... the ancient texts shall be revisited and things lost will be found. Mankind’s sorry religion shall be exposed for the blatant deceiver it really is ... religion invented to confuse.

Governments beware! Your petty rules and mind controls shall come tumbling down. They always do and they always shall. The true powers of the universe work through the power of love  Like water it can work through any surface and create cracks through which it may travel through

Governments you shall be over-run. The darkest is before dawn ... like now. The light will be blinding and it shall expose all the evil you are hiding.You shall be seen by all as the very vipers and demons you choose to conceal in the rewritten earth texts. For by hiding you hope to conceal that which you need mankind to forget is residing here ...

I see through and I await the signs. Already I sense the resurgence of the light. The children of the one can be free again. Ready to lead the humble mortal children away from harm. They need not be fearful of their lives any more ...

Their world has been reduced to shadow. The shades in which the vipers and the demons can hide. Lowly vibrations like fear and hatred rule this sphere. In order to create the vibration you require to exist on this vibrational plane.

This is all about to change ....

Written Monday, 12 January 2004

The AstraZeneca Jab Is Killing People – Media Deaf Dumb & Blind

[Richie Allen]: The AstraZeneca covid-19 jab is killing people. There is no doubt about that. It causes blood clotting in some recipients. Some of these clotting incidents have proven fatal. New evidence is emerging that the jab leads to strokes in some.

As usual, the media rolls out the same scientists, the now familiar talking heads, to reassure us that there’s nothing to see here. We’re told it’s anomalous and very rare. It isn’t rare at all. See for yourself https://coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/

I’m a journalist. My responsibility to my listeners is to get to the truth. My interview with a scientist who wants us to believe that there’s nothing to see here would go like this:

“Good morning Professor. Welcome to the show. The AstraZeneca jab, that we know leads to serious blood clots in some, is now causing strokes. Why isn’t it being withdrawn immediately? What is going on? Why are you telling my listeners it’s fine when it patently isn’t?”

I’d allow him/her answer of course. I’m no grand-stander. Follow-up questions would include:

“Why are you so keen to push the jab? Have you ever taken money from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI or CEPI? Why are you urging people to take a jab that has emergency use authorisation only? Why are you pushing an intervention that is still in trial and that nobody really needs?”

There’s a relatively new SKY News presenter called Vanessa Baffoe. Earlier today, she interviewed a professor from University College London about the revelation that the AZ jab is being linked to strokes.

She welcomed him and engaged in a wonderful piece of editorialising. She said: “Welcome professor. Now it’s important that we get across the point that these events are rare.” She did follow that by asking whether we should be worried or not, but that doesn’t matter.

She’d already told the viewers that in effect, there’s nothing to see here. It’s wretched.

Longtime listeners to The Richie Allen Show will remember me saying years ago, that the BBC (and the rest) represent a clear and present danger to the health and wellbeing of every one of us.

How do these presenters sleep at night? They’ve got families too. Maybe they’ll tell us when it’s all over.



Change What Isn't Working

[Daily OM]: We have all had the experience of realizing that something in our lives is not working. This knowledge can come as a sudden realization or a nagging feeling of doubt that grows stronger, waking us up to the fact that something needs to change. Some people have a tendency to act rashly and make sweeping changes before even understanding what the problem is. 

Other people fear change, so they live with the uncomfortable awareness that something needs to shift but won't do anything about it. Between these two extreme responses lies a middle way that can help us powerfully and gracefully change what isn't working in our lives.

The first step is remembering that your life is made up of parts that belong to an interconnected whole. Changing one thing can change everything. Because of this, small changes often have a big effect. Sometimes much bigger changes are necessary, but the only way to know for sure is to take the time to really understand the problem. Examine your life as an entirety--your work, your relationships, where you live--and determine what specifically is not functioning the way you would like....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Quote for the Day


"The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The silence from BBC News and Sky News is deafening after up to 1 million people marched for your Freedom on May 29th

[The Daily Expose]: On Saturday the 29th May 2021, up to one million people gathered in London to fight for their freedom, your freedom and your children’s freedom. Meanwhile the mainstream media remained silent throughout, except for a select few that have perpetuated barefaced lies.

If you were not in central London on the day of the event, or you are somebody who believes the only real news is what is reported on the BBC or Sky, then you could be forgiven for not even knowing that one million people marched through the streets of London against the medical tyranny that has infested the United Kingdom.

Or maybe you are one of those who has seen the select few reports in the mainstream media which describes the event as just hundreds of anti-vaxxers attending? If you are we can reliably inform you that you have been lied to. Because the event that took place in London on the 29th May 2021 was one of the largest protests the United Kingdom has ever seen in which millions from all walks of life attended.

People who have never protested in their lives were compelled to attend the march for freedom, and it doesn’t matter what they believe, they were all there united for one thing – your freedom. Because they can see the lies and suffering that has been lumbered on the British people over the past 14 months.

But of course you cannot just take our word for it, so please read on as we show you how many people attended the march for your freedom in London on the 29th May 2021. As well as prove to you that you are being lied to and manipulated on a monumental scale by the mainstream media....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Why Is The UFO Discussion Even Important? How Does It Impact Our Lives?

I can personally vouch for what is being said in this post. I used to undertake the same exercise on Blackpool beach and would watch craft appear over Morecambe Bay almost on request. It happened on another occasion over Glastonbury Tor.

[Collective Evolution]: At first glance, many feel the topic is one of people interested in the ‘nuts and bolts’ of it all. We want to know the details about what the craft are, how they move, what ET bodies might look like, and what technology brings them here. We pay attention to every government disclosure that comes out about UFOs. Sure, this is one small piece but certainly not the entire story. For myself and many others, our interest has also deeply included the realm of consciousness and it’s non-local nature.

In 2008 and 2009 I began experimenting with initiating contact through meditation-like practices with what we, my friends and I, felt were ETs. We’d go out to a park near lake Ontario on clear summer nights, and intentionally seek to have a communication or connection with ‘what’s out there.’ On many nights we saw anywhere between 5 and 15 craft show up. No, not satellites that we trained ourselves to identify, and not planes with their flashing aviation lights. 

I’m talking about star filled skies where you intentionally make ‘contact’ and over a short period of time those skies begin to fill with objects you cannot explain. I’m talking craft coming down slowly to the horizon, moving toward us, glowing with incredible light, dimming down slowly, moving across the horizon left, then right, then up, then back down. All with no sound and all while you are having an experience of connection that you can only quite understand when you engage in it...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Personal Initiation as the Key to Global Transformation

[Waking Times]: So many of the deepest problems facing our world today go under reported or flat-out omitted from the 24-7 news cycle, which steals the narrative to keep people focused on politics, consumerism and other ego-driven pursuits.

The stories we tell ourselves drive our development and our evolution, but the mainstream stories are pushing our society over the brink and taking us ever closer to the realization of global disaster. Something has to change, but where do we begin? What can individuals do to really make a significance impact for the better?

In many cultures from around the world, the idea of an initiation or rite of passage helps children to overcome the ego-driven way of being that is necessary for childhood, but doesn’t serve us well as we mature.

War, pollution, poverty, corporate greed, government corruption, and so on may all be in large part attributed to the lack of development of the individual. When a person is brought through an initiation that introduces them to the mystery and wonder of life, showing them what role they must play in order to honor the sacred gift of life for themselves and for their community, a shift happens, and the person is much more ready to face adulthood with a sense of responsibility and awe. Something severely lacking in our culture today....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Exposing the fraud that is Impossible Foods

[Natural News]: Impossible Foods has been getting a lot of buzz for its veggie “burger that bleeds.” Whether it’s family members, friends or celebrities on social media, you don’t have to search very hard to find someone who is enthusiastic about these flavorful patties. But are they really as good for your body and the planet as proponents claim?

The answer, in short, is no, and there are several reasons why this isn’t the earth-saving solution to burger cravings so many people seem to want to believe it is. One of the biggest counts against it is its use of genetically engineered soy. The company’s CEO claims using this soy is just part of their “commitment to consumers and our planet” – but just what are they committed to?

Scientists have been warning that the planet is approaching an era of massive extinction, and the pesticides and farming practices associated with genetically engineered crops like the soy used in these burgers is at the heart of the problem.

A study published in the journal Biological Conservation estimated that 40 percent of the insect species on Earth right now are facing extinction, and the entire insect population could well collapse by the end of the century thanks to genetically engineered crops and related practices and chemicals.

The sad truth is that genetically engineered crops have spurred a spike in pesticide use around the world. Before Roundup-ready crops made to resist the glyphosate-based herbicide, farmers had to be very careful about how they used weedkillers. The new crops, however, allow them to spray more often, which they have most certainly done. The amount of glyphosate used climbed from 7.7 million pounds in 1990 to 250 million pounds in 2014 in what amounts to a 1,347 percent rise. Most of this is being used on crops like the GE soy in Impossible Burgers. In fact, 94 percent of soy today is genetically engineered to resist Roundup...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...