Further Reading

Saturday 29 May 2021

'The Darkest Is Before Dawn'

When was the order made for the vipers and the demons to hide themselves from the surface of the earth ... and the sacred texts plundered; and the memories of man rearranged ... who made that order and why? Because the memory of man is short, but the living mind of the spirit inside man is eternal. Whoever made that order made a mistake ... a grave mistake ... for such is the way of things on this sphere

All things hidden will become revealed ... the ancient texts shall be revisited and things lost will be found. Mankind’s sorry religion shall be exposed for the blatant deceiver it really is ... religion invented to confuse.

Governments beware! Your petty rules and mind controls shall come tumbling down. They always do and they always shall. The true powers of the universe work through the power of love  Like water it can work through any surface and create cracks through which it may travel through

Governments you shall be over-run. The darkest is before dawn ... like now. The light will be blinding and it shall expose all the evil you are hiding.You shall be seen by all as the very vipers and demons you choose to conceal in the rewritten earth texts. For by hiding you hope to conceal that which you need mankind to forget is residing here ...

I see through and I await the signs. Already I sense the resurgence of the light. The children of the one can be free again. Ready to lead the humble mortal children away from harm. They need not be fearful of their lives any more ...

Their world has been reduced to shadow. The shades in which the vipers and the demons can hide. Lowly vibrations like fear and hatred rule this sphere. In order to create the vibration you require to exist on this vibrational plane.

This is all about to change ....

Written Monday, 12 January 2004