Further Reading

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

CDC pushing covid “scariants” propaganda to keep America enslaved with FEAR

[Natural News]: Every time Rochelle Walensky from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gets on television to declare that some new “variant” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) threatens to kill us all, you can immediately disregard it as a lie.

That is because all this talk about scary new variants is just more medical police state fearmongering designed to keep you in a constant state of fear and panic – and more importantly, willing to roll up your sleeve and get jabbed.

According to Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Walensky’s claims about variants “setting us back” in terms of reaching “herd immunity” are false. He even wrote an entire op-ed piece about it that was published by the New York Post.

Entitled, “Don’t buy the fearmongering: The COVID-19 threat is waning,” Makary’s piece explains that there is no evidence to suggest that new “variants” of the Chinese Virus will “evade vaccines” as Walensky claimed during a recent digital appearance in which she clearly read said claim from a script.

While Makary does believe that the jabs are “working” and that they deserve credit for a decline in the number of new “positive” cases of the Wuhan Flu, he does not believe that Walensky is correct in her claim that the sky will fall if some people refuse to get injected.

“… for the millions of Americans who are immune and live where the cases are low, the public-health threat is now defanged and below seasonal-flu levels,” he writes. “Given the harm of social isolation, we need to abandon the goal of absolute risk elimination at all cost....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...